Homey's Revenue Collection Agency

Station clients not paying on time? Homey's Revenue Collection Agency can help. One visit from my associate and they'll be begging your station accounting department to take their money.

We settle account disputes. My associates name is Christopher Levenworth Attica III but we just call him Tiny. He specializes in what we call binding arbitration and debt errasure. Tiny does not talk. Most of the time he can make his point with simple gestures that are universally understood. With Tiny there is no language barrier. You know what I'm sayin?

Hi There! You're Late! Thank You!

We'll collect broadcast revenue for you anytime. Look for our ad in the Yellow Pages. We prefer to work at night and we'll travel to any location in the U.S. overnite to make sure you get what's coming to you and your client gets what's coming to him.

Homey's Revenue Collection Agency: HRCA
We guarantees to increase your cashflow from deadbeat clients overnite.

KRUD Radio Clients And Services