You're a Listener and you don't get it... 

Radio stations pride themselves on having the latest and greatest equipment.  They will spend thousands and thousands of dollars on equipment and then refuse to pay the salary of a qualified individual to operate it or even spend the money to have someone properly trained to use it.

KRUD Listener Tip:   Isn't it amazing that a guy with nothing more than a high school education can get a job doing a morning show in a major market and make more money in one year than most people make in five or ten years?  Now, having said that... if you're thinking of getting into radio.. get the education first... radio careers (for the most part) turn out to be short and when you are finally pushed out the door (after pulling your last air-shift on a Friday) into the real world you will have no skills to fall back on.  Get an education so you can get a life.