You're a Listener and you don't get it... 

By now, if you have learned anything from previous cartoons, you should know that radio stations do not pay well, especially in small and medium markets.... and especially if the air talent is just.... average. 

You must also know by now that radio stations are notorious for not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  They will lie to you in any number of ways... a straight out lie, a lie by omission of facts, a lie by a total stretch of the truth.  The example below covers a number of radio station lies.

Example:  Jock: If I take the job do I have a reserved parking space?
                 Station: You bet! It's right next to our studios.  We've already set it up for you.

Truth: Yeah, the jock does have a reserved parking space in the city owned lot next door which will cost the jock $75 per month to use... and HE pays for it.. but the station did set it up... so yeah, he has a reserved parking space.