You're a Listener and you don't get it...

Then you must be the idiot that keeps calling requesting the song we just finished playing. Enough said.

KRUD Listener Empowerment Tip: Radio Stations have prize patrols, winner vans, Etc. for a number of reasons. A few of those reasons are listed below.

Reasons Radio Stations Have Prize Vehicles:

  • It's a rolling billboard for the radio station and MAY help in the ratings.
  • A car dealer decided NOT to pay for the advertising and faced with losing all of the revenue, the station opted for the beat up van you see them driving around town.
  • The GM owns part of the car dealership the van came from.
  • The PD owns part of the car dealership the van came from.

    The station prize van is the most abused, under maintained, death trap on the road. If you see ANY radio station's van coming your way... get the hell off the road! The station ALWAYS puts the individual with the worst driving record and poorest eyesight behind the wheel.