You're a Listener and don't get it....

Program Directors are always trying to find a ways to make the station sound better. They all desire the radio station to become "compelling" (overused word in radio) to listen to. There are those individuals in broadcasting who must be kept on a leash. Tell them to be creative and they will shoot themselves (and the radio station) in the foot every single time. What they thought was creative and maybe even funny just caused the station switchboard to jam with complaints and the switchboard operator to say "The hell with this! I'm going back to work at Denny's."
KRUD Listener Tip: During the holidays don't forget the guys and gals at the radio station that keep you entertained everyday. Most of them will be working, missing parties, and trying to figure out how they will buy anything worth a damn as a gift on the pitiful salary their version of Scrooge pays them.